All these mouth drawings will be contained in this folder, even if they are not currently exposed in the scene. For example, in cut-out animation, a character can have many mouths available. As explained above, the element folder's purpose is to contain all the drawings related to this column. When you add a layer to your scene, a node and a folder (element folder) are also added.

In cut-out animation, a drawing element can be the hand layer.

In traditional and paperless animation, a drawing element or layer can be a character, for example, level B. Many layers can be linked to the same drawing element (folder) so that the same drawings are reused. A drawing element is the directory containing the drawings that the corresponding layer is linking to. A layer may also be an effect layer, a peg (motion) layer, etc. The layer is generally named the same way as the drawing element (folder). A drawing element is a directory containing multiple drawings and is linked to a layer in the Timeline view. A very important concept to understand in Harmony are drawings, drawing elements, and layers.